Email Registered Users


Release date: 21/05/2014

By: Marten Timan, Atypisch webdesign & webdevelopment


If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

  1. Installation instructions
  2. Short Description
  3. PHP File functions and Structure
  4. JavaScript
  5. About this Plugin

A) Installation instructions top

Just copy this plugin (the entire ‘email-registered-users’ folder) into your WordPress plugins directory. Then go to your plugin section in the WordPress CMS and click ‘Activate’.

B) Short Description top

This plugin collects all email addresses of the registered users of your WordPress website and groups them according to user role.

You can then email all users per user role, per email address or just all at once through your own email program by clicking the appropriate links.

C) PHP File functions and Structuretop


The plugin consists of one simple PHP file (‘cc-index.php’) which contains all the necessary PHP functions and includes for this plugin. These are the functions briefly explained;

	/* === Plugin functions === */

	adds WordPress options page under the Tools tab

	builds the options page

	loads the eru-style.css file

	this is where the actual work happens. Collects all
        email addresses, puts them in arrays and outputs again
        according to user role.


This is the basic structure of the plugin and the containing files, starting from the plugin folder ‘category-colors’.

  • eru-index.php (main plugin file)
  • eru-style.css (main css file)
  • documentation (folder)
    • assets (folder)
      • blueprint css files and images for this explanation file
    • index.html (this file)
    • screenshots (folder)
      • (screenshots)

Please do not edit or extend these functions.


D) JavaScripttop

  1. jQuery is a Javascript library that greatly reduces the amount of code that you must write.
  2. I have written a small jQuery script to add to the Options page, which simply toggles a class in a

    to open or close it. It looks like this;

    jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
    		$("div.postbox h3").click(function () {
     $(this).parent(".postbox").toggleClass("closed"); });

E) About this Plugintop

type: WordPress Plugin

languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL and jQuery javascript

version nr: 1.0

release date: 21/05/2014

This plugin is compatible with all newer versions of WordPress, tested up to WordPress version 3.9.1

Plugin documentation URL:

This plugin is entirely written by Marten Timan, owner and founder of Atypisch Webdesign & Webdevelopment currently based in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Please feel free to make a donation to stimulate further development of this or other plugins.

If you have a more general question relating to the plugins on CodeCanyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the “Item Discussion” section.

Marten Timan
Atypisch webdesign & webdevelopment

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